Black Pearl Media Works produces artistic, entertaining, profitable media that explores humanity through the lens of black cultures worldwide.
Current Project Summaries
In Our Own Words, presents a creative chronicle of the African American experience through short films based on short stories by iconic and lesser-known black writers. The concept for the series is grounded in self-definition. Black writers have defined their own world, moving beyond the traditional definitions often imposed on them. The short stories of In Our Own Words will be selected by outstanding African American literature scholars, Maryemma Graham, Ph.D. and Joycelyn Moody, Ph.D. The first film of the series, THE DOLL, based on a short story by Charles W. Chesnutt was completed several years ago. It was awarded best dramatic short at the Hollywood Black Film Festival.
Through the stories of Nat Turner, Bishop Henry McNeil Turner, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Rev. Traci Blackmon and others, God of the Oppressed, a feature length documentary will explore Black Liberation and Womanist Theology. Stories, characters and gospel music will celebrate and frame a perspective of God within the context of an oppressed people. Bishop Henry McNeal Turner told his congregants God is Black. Nat Turner was convinced that he "was ordained for some great purpose in the hands of the almighty" challenged slaves to fight for freedom. While some constructed a religion that called for submission to the religion of white people, many heard God speak in a way that demanded resistance.
More information is available on the current projects page.